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Fuel prices ridiculous as oil companies continue record profits

Fuel prices hurt area families and businesses as oil companies continue record  profits.

Monday, August 15th - President's Energy Plan Working Well, For Oil Companies...   

The President's energy plan is apparently working very well, at least for his buddies in the oil business. Oil companies continue to rake in record profits at the expense of small business and struggling families. "I hope he feels proud of what he is doing", states one area business owner. "He is taking food off our family's table so his wealthy friends can benefit." Indeed the current price of fuel has severely affected thousands of already struggling families throughout the nation. Small business is also taking a big hit with oil companies digging deeper and deeper into their already shallow pockets.

But none of this should be a surprise to anyone. This entire administration is closely affiliated with the major oil companies, and now is time to pay them back for their helping to buy control of the highest offices in this once great nation. Our country is now being run on oil-based lies and deception with the President being the front man for their scheme to dominate our nation. The war in Iraq, is seen by many, as nothing more than a lie-based attempt by the administration to gain control of Middle Eastern oil supplies. The President's tax cuts are geared to allow the oil companies and their multi-millionaire CEO's to rake in tax-exempt profits while the rest of our country suffers. The President's agenda of repealing decades of environmental protection measures is geared at allowing these filthy rich bastards to seek even more profits at the expense of our pristine wilderness areas.

While the Congress sits idly by with the naivety of a newborn, the American people more and more are opening their eyes and seeing the truth and the facts of what is going on. They no longer believe the lies and propaganda being put forth by this administration. They see the reality of our freedoms, national security and resources systematically being destroyed by the current administration and its "Ignore the Facts" method of operation. And we will remember the Senators and Representatives lack of action at the polls next year. 

Sadly there are still those who support this administration's reckless mismanagement of our country. But the people of the world should be aware that many in America do not support this administration, and view it as the true "Axis of Evil" in the world today. The greatest fear of many Americans is not an attack from some foreign terrorist organization, but rather yet another stab in the back by the President and his band of ravenous thugs. In reality, a vast and growing number of Americans despise George Bush and everything he stands for and clearly see that the true threat to America, and the rest of the world, resides in the White House and not Afghanistan or Iraq.

This rapid demise of our country should act as a huge warning sign to those hell bent on voting their party regardless of the candidate. For it is you who has brought this plague of misery on the American people with your blind votes. And it is your children and grandchildren who will pay the price. We hope you will at least have the decency to be honest with your children and admit your part when they ask you what went wrong with America. Because the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of every single individual who voted these greedy, self-serving liars into power.

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